We ensure the long-term, healthy, continued existence of our company.

Model of the CITO GROUP

partner for success – As a company, CITO will be sustainably successful. 

Its success is measured by the benefits that the business process brings to all those involved in it, including not only customers but also employees, suppliers and all other partners. The aim is to secure the company's continued long-term and independent existence. Our innovative spirit serves both to preserve and multiply the benefit that our company gives to all partners. Our actions are guided at all times by our fundamental values.

Mission of the CITO GROUP

It is with their commitment, innovative power and competence that our employees and agents offer intelligent solutions, with the objective of optimising and securing our customers' processes.

Fundamental values of the CITO GROUP

CITO Grundwerte

CITO on principle does not resort to the use of pressure, violence or power in any disputes with employees, suppliers, customers or other partners. We do not produce or market any products or services that are intended for use in armed or violent conflict.

CITO Grundwerte

CITO will live up to the needs of all those involved in its business activity, i.e. we will perceive their individuality and treat them with appreciation. Similarly, we expect those who are involved to live up to our expectations and appreciate what we do.

CITO Grundwerte

CITO is managed according to the principles of a family company and treats all those involved in its business activity with loyalty. We are a family-oriented company and conduct our personnel policy accordingly. The company places family, youth and children at the centre of its social commitment.

CITO Grundwerte

CITO takes responsibility for the health of its employees and promotes health-conscious behaviour. The production and marketing of CITO products are oriented at all times to health and environmental factors and the economic use of resources. Jobs are configured so that they represent no risk to health and the environment.

CITO Grundwerte

CITO measures its success in terms of the degree to which it achieves its short, medium, and long-term goals. Our financial success serves as a benchmark for the company's long-term ongoing existence.

CITO Grundwerte

CITO preserves its liberty to make its own decisions and avoids dependencies that might lead to it coming under external control. The company grants its employees the greatest possible freedom to evolve and develop their own personalities.

CITO Grundwerte

CITO maintains the respectful, open and sincere treatment of all employees and partners. The company does not accept any dishonesty on the part of those involved in its business activity.