Crease measuring device / Corrugated board measuring device

CITO CORRCHECK is an optical, non-contact measuring system for checking the mechanical washboard effect, flute profiles in the case of open flute and the creasing process in corrugated board production.

Reduce high costs resulting from maculation with CITO CORRCHECK. CITO CORRCHECK is the technical measuring solution to the problem of washboarding.

For the first time, this measuring system makes it possible to measure the washboard effect on original sheets, without having to take into account the considerable effort and cost of preparing measurement samples. Where there are deviations from the nominal values, the appropriate remedial action can be taken immediately.

Technical Data

  • Measures the flute profile up to 2.10 mm
  • Measures the washboard effect
  • Measures the creasing
  • Measures scoring
  • Documents the checks in the form of a PDF quality report
  • Tolerance: 0.003 mm depth measurement
  • Tolerance: 0.001 mm washboard effect


Description Details Unit Order no.
CITO CORRCHECK Measurement of flute, washboard, creasing 1 pc. BYG00111

Product video CITO CORRCHECK

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Instruction manual