Checking and measuring devices for the packaging industry

Our crease measuring devices enable you to monitor creasing characteristics. They will help you optimise setup on the press and extend the service life of your tools and creasing matrices.

CITO CREASY is a measuring device that optically records the creasing characteristics and uses software to analyse these on your PC or laptop. It graphically records the width, height and symmetry of the creasing profile and the two folding edges, analyses these and documents them in the form of a report. This guarantees optimised converting on the folding carton gluing machine.

With CITO CREASY you can also measure impressions or monitor the angularity of assembled folding cartons.

CITO CORRCHECK offers the same facility for creasing as it does for corrugated cardboard. This measuring device also enables you to measure the washboard effect on corrugated board and record the evenness and size of the flute without liner boards.

CITO CounterControl is an optical, non-contact measurement system for monitoring the width and depth of the creasing channel in Pertinax and the counter plate.